
How To Trim Video In Photoshop

AdoramaTV presents DSLR | Video Tips with Richard Harrington. Join Rich in this episode as he uses Adobe Photoshop CS6 for quick video editing.
Even though Adobe Artistic Suite has software designed for video editing, Adobe Photoshop CS6 also has this the option for those who are comfortable working in the Photoshop platform.

Editing in Photoshop is perfect for brusk videos captured on your DSLR camera. In this exclusive AdoramaTV video, you'll learn tips on how to ready a timeline complete with layers pallet, editing tools menu, and adjustment layers. Meet how to trim, ripple, fade, render, and consign.

Want to lean more Photoshop and video editing hacks? Bank check out our guides on 42West:

  • 5 Easy Photoshop Editing Steps for Beginners
  • 13 All-time Video Editing Tips for Beginners
  • How to Lighten and Burnish Optics in Adobe Photoshop CC
  • 6 Adobe Photoshop Tips and Tricks for Beginners
  • How to Select and Alter Color in Photoshop
  • How to Remove the Background of an Epitome in Photoshop
  • How to Make an Animated GIF in Photoshop
  • How to Whiten Teeth in Photoshop: Step by Step
  • How to Create an Constructive Photoshop Workflow
  • five Best Photoshop Plugins for Photographers

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You lot Tin Edit Video in Adobe Photoshop CS6! Here'due south How (and Why)

Rich Harrington:

This week, you'll learn the essentials of editing video inside Adobe Photoshop CS6.

Voice Over:

AdoramaTV presents "DSLR Video Skills," where you lot'll learn all about photography and videography. Here's your host, Rich Harrington.

Rich Harrington:

Hi! My proper noun's Rich Harrington, and welcome to this episode of DSLR Video Skills. Today, we're going to take a expect at how we can use Adobe Photoshop to exercise some quick video editing.

At present a lot of folks are proverb, "why is in that location video editing in Adobe Photoshop?" "Doesn't Adobe already have video programs?" Absolutely! Things like Adobe Premiere Pro and Later Effects are super versatile, and they take some consumer products similar Premiere Elements that also offer like shooting fish in a barrel-to-apply tool sets.

So, why edit videos in Photoshop? Well, quite simply because you lot desire to. A lot of photographers and a lot of multimedia folks feel very comfy in Photoshop, and the fact now is that Photoshop CS6 offers the ability to work with video in the standard edition of Photoshop.

Yous've got a nice, clear, and easy-to-use video editing tool that'south great for short projects. And then, I what like to do at present is to take a quick look at how it works. And then on some hereafter episodes, we'll explore more than avant-garde workflows. This is but to get you started and show yous how easy information technology is to use.

Within of Photoshop, you lot'll simply cull "File New" and make a new document that matches the blazon of prototype you're going to be working with. I know I'm working with the 1920×1080 footage.

At present, the next thing I recommend is that you friction match the frame rate.

I'll create a new video timeline, and I know that I shot at 23.976 fps, so I'll go over and change my option here just by saying "Set Timeline Frame Rate," and with the pop-upward menu, I can switch that over and click OK. That looks pretty good, and I merely need to add my files. So, I'll click the plus (+) button here, and I can navigate to the videos I want to use.

Now, I've already put them into a single binder, and I'm merely going to grab those and select all the video files, unchoose the raw photos considering I don't need those, and click "Open up" so that it will add them to my timeline. I don't demand this first file here, so I'grand merely going to select it and press "Delete," and y'all'll encounter that all those files are in order.

Here'southward the interesting thing that you need to realize—when y'all look at the timeline here, notice that they went in the sequential order that I shot them. Nonetheless, in the Layers panel, they get in reverse club. So when you look at this, the bottommost layer is the first file. So don't permit that mess with you.

The essence of video editing is to simply have abroad what's non practiced. Now, in that location are lots more than to it as you become circuitous, but if you lot're just sequencing a quick story, yous tin can often put the files you shot sequentially in order. Driblet them into the timeline and but trim away the fat. That's what we're going to do correct now.

I've got the clip hither, and I'one thousand but going to select it. And as I starting time to elevate the beginning and cease, I become a little pop-upwards pic to sort of bear witness me what'south happening, and this allows me to speed up the activity a bit. So, I'm going to see the safety harness being placed on, and I adjust the duration. Now, it's notwithstanding pretty long—22 seconds long. I'g going to alter that. Notice that if I click on it, I tin can really assign a new duration and speed upwardly the prune. I take that downward to about 8 seconds hither, and she's just sped around putting that on him. That'southward practiced.

At present, I've got the next shot, and permit'southward try to line this upwards. He's looking down there, and so that'southward pretty good. Let's trim that back, and so we get to the indicate where he's looking down, and that avoids what we call a bound cutting. So as we go from one shot to the adjacent, the activeness that kind of matches his face is about halfway upward. Right about at that place… looks practiced!

Then, I'll just adjust that, trim information technology dorsum, and find that everything automatically ripples down and stays shut together. Then he wanders off a little flake. He'due south getting ready to climb, and I don't think I want too much of that there, then I'm just going to get as he starts to walk off the frame, and I'll click the scissors push button to cut information technology. Let's elevate through if in that location's anything else here we want.

She's getting dressed up, so that'south good. So we'll just put another cut correct there. Delete away the shot, and let's but drag through and see what we got. She's getting the rubber harness on it. Looks pretty good! Permit's go along him out of the frame. Some other footling cut and as long as the clip is selected, it works. Delete that and I could speed these upward a bit.

At that place nosotros become. And we'll take a look. Looks good!

I'm looking at this shot, and I don't actually need it. She'due south only getting tied in, and so I'll delete away. We're just starting to tell the story hither. They're set up to get and walking over, and we get to the point where they're about to climb.

I'm simply going to get rid of the shot and again, what I similar is that the timeline automatically ripples down. This timeline is super easy. Some people telephone call this type of timeline a "magnetic timeline." Information technology basically means that the gaps are automatically removed. Then, if you delete something, everything's just going to slide on downward into identify.

This is not the most complex timeline to use, and information technology's really good if making videos is a hobby or just something yous accept to occasionally do. All right. I've got this here and allow'south simply find a practiced point where they're going to start to climb the rocks. They're getting their instructions, and we want to include that to show that they're skilful listeners. Got that clip selected, delete away a trivial bit, looking pretty skillful. She points to the rock. They are about set, and I'm just going to shorten that.

Detect that you lot tin easily navigate through the timeline, and as you drag the handles here, information technology gets pretty skilful. I desire to come across her start to climb, so I'thou gonna accept a little flake of that middle piece at that place and just delete it away. There nosotros go.

Re position the camera, and I think that'due south pretty proficient. We'll just pick it up in that location. At present, all of this is super piece of cake as you're working, and what yous'll get-go to discover is that Photoshop has gotten very responsive on the video front. I tin can easily just select clips and trim away what I don't want, and that handy pop-up viewer there lets yous come across the action.

Then, we can become just every bit she starts to climb. I similar that. He's climbing—allow's cutting to the other angle. We go back to her, let's cutting, and it's pretty straightforward. We're about halfway through our edit right at present.

Now, what I want to introduce is the fact that you also can apply some transitions hither. So, if you want to jump forward in fourth dimension, but it'due south going to exist a bit abrupt in between two shots, you can ever put a little transition. Just click here, take hold of the one you lot want, and drag it downwardly.

When you do that, it will automatically create a transition between the two shots. And if you make up one's mind to make a refinement hither such as trimming, yous'll notice that it only simply readjusts, and you can but elevate it back in. Nice and easy. There we become!

Let'south zoom out a flake and finish this up. They're getting to the top, she comes down, and I just want to testify him making it—and I call up we're done. There we go! Pretty good shot. Drag it down a fleck, and we'll phone call that the end.

If you demand to, you tin add an sound file to this likewise. So, I'll just put the playhead up at the commencement, click the plus (+) button on the audio rails, and I tin can navigate to an audio file and drop that in.

At present, in this case, it's longer than I need, and then you tin can easily adjust its duration just like yous did for the video clip. Grab the end and pull it into match. And if you need to, you can do some unproblematic fades.

We'll put that one on the video in that location. That'due south pretty good!

Now, there are lots of things you lot tin do to keep refining this. You can add a few transitions and adapt the sound, so y'all accept the right sound mix, but this, all in all, is pretty like shooting fish in a barrel to do.

Plus, if necessary, you can use the same type of Photoshop adjustments you lot're already used to making. Then, if you lot desire to go ahead and burnish up a shot a little bit, just select information technology, come up on over, and grab an adjustment like a curves adjustment, and you can practise a dainty adjustment to the video just like y'all're used to.

Recall, click correct on the tool with the "On Image" tool, and you tin make easy adjustments to get that as y'all want. Want to adjust the vibrance? Only click and you've got a new adjustment layer, and you can be adjusting colour. All those adjustments are super easy to use, and they simply announced right in line.

When you lot're happy with that video, take advantage of things like titles or transitions, get them, so it's completely gear up to become. So in that location'south my video: it's happy. I've got my shots. File > Export > Render Video, and I would choose the Adobe Media Encoder and h.264. And then stick with one of the friendly presets for things like Vimeo, YouTube, or Hard disk drive if y'all want to put it on a disk. And you've got some great movies that are ready to share.

Now, there'due south a lot more to this Photoshop and video workflow, and I proceed to explore this. You're welcome to look it up online. We've got some great tutorials here that are in the works that we'll be putting out eventually that comprehend more than advanced Photoshop stuff. But I only desire you guys to go your anxiety wet and jump in and try this.

So, grab your personal photographic camera, shoot some fun footage of the family, put together a tiny little project for something y'all desire to share, and just use the new Photoshop video tools to get that project out there. The goal hither is to get the video off your hard drive and out there, and then others can meet it.

Thanks again for joining the states this calendar week. My proper name is Rich Harrington. I invite you to head on over to the Adorama Learning Center, where there are tons of articles you might want to check out. Plus, if y'all want to get an idea on how to check out Photoshop or some other equipment that nosotros used in the production of this video, merely take a look at some of the links below. Cheers for joining us!

Voice Over:

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